Monday, October 18, 2010

Food Paper

Food Paper

                I am not sure if it is really safe in the food market anymore. You constantly hear about another outbreak of some virus that could potentially harm us in some way. If there is this many problems reoccurring in the food market why is there no one fixing it permanently. I realize that it is almost imposable to control all of the food production in America but if people take the inspections piece by piece then eventually it will be done and it is not like only one person works for the government on this subject. I am sure that there are hundreds of people who could do inspections on the factories where the food is processed. In my many cases it starts at the meat factories. The runoff of the fecal matter is being washed into fields next to these big factories. Now this by itself it not necessarily a bad thing, people have been using manure as fertilizer for century’s. The problem is coming from the cows producing the manure. These cattle are sometimes infected with different viruses that are harmful to humans. Once these cattle produce the manure the manure has the harmful virus and once that manure runs off or is spread into fields with vegetables near these factories the vegetables absorb the manure and then they contain the virus. Back to the cattle, once the infected cattle are slaughtered and begin to be processed they already contain the virus and any meat that touches tainted meat is then tainted itself. This is a major flaw in the factories and why large scale infections of tainted meat related viruses happen. If we could watch these factories more closely than it is quite possible to stop infections of this size happening. This is why organic farming is getting very popular.
                The organic market has become popular over recent years. That is because if it is organic there is a much lower chance on any kind of contamination. They also don’t use any kind any of pesticides or chemicals that could be proven to cause harm to the person eating them. Now this will not change my diet in any way. I will probably continue to not eat organic food but that is just me. I am sure that after researching this topic many people would reconsider whether or not they will start to eat organic food. There are plenty are upsides to eating organic products. For one, the animals raised on an organic farm are raised like normal cattle would. They are raised to eat grass in fields unlike the cattle in the feed lots. Those cattle are raise on feed corn. This is not what they naturally eat they have evolved to eat grass. The corn does not digest properly in the cow’s stomach and that is what causes the previously mentioned viruses to be produced. This is why it is a low chance of infection in organic food. If it is truly certified organic that means that the farm has passed an excruciatingly difficult list of requirements. This also means that because the cattle do not become infected then there is no chance of the vegetables grown on the same organic farm becoming infected. That is a major upside to having organic food but it is not up to me entirely to eat organic food because it is truly up to my parents. I would have to get my parents to buy the organic food but it is not so important that I will get them to buy it.
                What actually really surprised me was that the government doesn’t have the power to shut down factories with repeated reports of infection. The people need to give the power back to the government or these diseases in factories will continue to occur and as long as these diseases occur then outbreaks will happen and more people will get ill and possibly die. What really surprises me is that it is not easier to pass a law that seems to be common thinking. It has taken a long time and it is still not able to pass. This law would put power back in the hands of the government and give them the power to shut down a factory that has repeat instances of tainted meat. This is a law that many people could get behind and support. Another thing that really surprised me was the amount of control that some companies have. The one that really kind of angered me was that one kind of seed that was not able to be replanted. Yes, that makes sense since he patented the seed and that way the farmers who bought the seed would not replant he seed but what I don’t like is that the person who patented the seed would sue people when he had no proof that they replanted seed. It angers me that he was spying on people that had never bought his seed just so that he could find something to sue them for. People who have that much money only want one thing, more money so he decided that he would get a lot more money by suing every person he could. It angers me that the farmers know this about his companies but they can’t do anything about it. One of the farmers from the movie “Food Inc.” said that it was better to just roll over and give him the money then to fight the person who patented the seed because it would end up costing you more in legal fees in the end then to just pay him the settlement. This once again angers me because these people are just trying to make a living and then they are blindsided by a law suit. Like the boy who had only been a farmer for matter of weeks and all of a sudden he is being sued for replanting seed. Stories like these are why I wish that there was something I could do about the amount of power these large companies have.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Food Map

Gas Mileage:
Most of my food comes from the united states but the furthest it comes from is Mexico, and because it would most likely come by truck and regarding the current gas prices I would estimate about 2500 miles and 6750 gallons of gasoline.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Journal

Monday: None
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: Jimmy Dean sandwich

Thursday: None


Monday: Turkey sandwich

Tuesday: Turkey sandwich

Wednesday: Turkey sandwich

Thursday: Turkey sandwich


Monday: Stofers Lasagna

Tuesday: Predue Chicken

Wednesday: Pot Roast

Thursday: Old El Paso Tacos

Vegetables: bananas, South America
tomatoes, Mexico

Monday, September 13, 2010

Persian Inuit Urdu

The first part of the podcast was about Iran's leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and how he used a phrase that was found not appropriate to be used in that public speaking. He has been taking a lot of heat for saying "The bogeyman snatched the boob" which was a Persian saying to wean their children.
The second part was about the Inuit culture. A man is going to live with the Inuit for a year to document their way of life. The way they hunt, the way they hunt, and overall the way they live. The podcast also talked about how the way of life of the Inuit way of life may be in danger because of global warming. In maybe 15 years their in tire homeland and some of their culture could be gone because they may have to move due to global warming.
The next part was about foreign language movies. The movies are becoming less popular in the U.S. Years ago movies like Crouching Tiger, Hiddin Dragon and other films in a foreign language would gross millions of dollars. Now a days they have troble grossing $300,000.
The last part was about the Urdu language the trouble is they have words the mean the same thing as other words. A woman told a story that her father was giving direction while going through a city and her father kept on saying a word in Urdu that means go straight but it also means turn right. So every time he would say the word the driver did not know what to do and it turned out that they messed up on it almost every time.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Human Geo Paper

Sam Werneke and Konnor Drewen

Honors Human Geography

The Effects of 9/11

9/11 has affected the world in many ways. Through the snowball effect it changed our whole airport security and economy. It also has changed the way we travel internationally. It has also helped change technology to be better secured for travel. In our blog we’ll cover the most important effects

The beginning effects of 9/11 were the traveling and cost to travel. The way we traveled then has drastically changed to now. After 9/11 air traffic dropped from over 7 million people to below 4 million in a year. This is due to insecure passengers and bad security. Between the years of 2001 and 2002 the global economy experienced a lower demand for people wanting to travel through the FAA.

The first days after 9/11 the whole air system shut down and no one could travel. The economy followed that fuel and ticket prices were drastically raised and made it harder to travel. They also bumped up security a lot to prevent any more attacks. Companies raced to build the next generation of security technologies. Because of the less people traveling internationally, trade was down dramatically along with jobs and businesses.

With World Trade Center down, it did not help with the economy and trade businesses to recover as fast as they needed to. While recovering from 9/11 the air traffic system was on their way to creating and new and improved way to track in coming and going planes. They also worked on the security and safeness of all the airport companies to improve safeness and prevent future disasters like 9/11. These are the beginning effects but not the last they continue make things safer and better for the whole world. America has set the bar for the standards of air safety.

The effects of 9/11 are still changing the way we travel. Through the recent years air travel has been up and improved. Destinations have changed tremendously though. More people travel within the country now instead of outside. They now have longer wait times to go through all the check points to keep a safe and controlled system.

Since 9/11 technology has made a change for the better. The equipment in airports all around the world is the most up-to-date technology you can find. The prices of the equipment are very high but airlines purchase them because it makes their airline safer. Today’s technology and equipment include full body scanners and high-end metal detectors. These all help make our airports safer and more efficient in stopping future attacks.

The constantly changing rules and regulations make it harder and longer to get on flights. It also restricts what you can bring on a flight. The economy today is still recovering. We are constantly moving in and out of the country and that makes it very hard to keep track of everyone.

That is why today’s air systems keep improving and helping everyone stays safe when they travel by air.

9/11 also had a large effect on the future economy and the future air travel. The effects of 9/11 were started back then but have continued into our time now. Although the economy underwent a major recession and has since recovered the effects have traveled with us for years and will most likely follow us for many more.

The events of 9/11 have also affected the future technology used by the FAA. The FAA now is moving from using radar based navigation to more advanced satellite based navigation. While radar technology needs the airplane to fly over the radars on the ground to get the airplanes location, the satellites would be able to find the airplanes location anywhere in the county at any time.

There is also is new developing airport security for the future. There are new securities systems in development in counties that already are in use in others. For example airports are now using hidden cameras that can give away certain reactions when asked questions, like a rise in the heart rate or the body temperature rising suggesting that they are nervous or they are lying when asked a question. While now in America we are in development of different airport security. It is called the Future Attribute Screening Technology or FAST. It is kind of like a polygraph test or a “lie detector”. It is able to look over lines of people and if it has found someone of interest that could be a possible terrorist or someone who might harm someone else, and then if he is chosen by security for additional screening it can then detect certain facial movements that could mean he is lying or possibly telling the truth.

With the use of this new technology and more security personnel airports hope to put an end to terrorism in the airports altogether. With the technology it makes the airports safer and it makes it easier to pick out a person of interest from a crowd. But if it wasn’t for 9/11 we would not have to go through the trouble of creating all the new security and that is how 9/11 affected the future of air travel.

2013, By. "Travel Facts and Statistics

U.S. Travel Association." U.S. Travel Association. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.


"Air Traffic - NextGen Briefing." FAA: Home. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.


The Economic Effects of 9/11:

A Retrospective Assessment

SeptemberH.R. Rep. No. RL31617. Print.

Federal ReportTagsEditDelete

United States. Homeland Sercurity. Office of Immigration Statistics. The 9/11 Terrorist Attack and Overseas Travel to the United States:Initial Impacts and Longer-Run Recovery. By DEREKH CORNWELL and BRYAN ROBERTS. Web.

Pictures From Wikimedia

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Human Geography

Globalization-the process by which cultures become integrated through global network communication
"It is said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity"Kofi Annan
Culture-Exellence of fine arts and humanites
“Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.” Jawaharlal Nehru
Civilization-a collection of advanced agriculture, long distance trade, and urbanism
“We veneer civilization by doing unkind things in a kind way” George Bernard Shaw
History-the study of human past
“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it” Winston Churchill
Progress-the idea that the world can become increasingly better in terms of science, technology, and modernization
“Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation” Oscar Wilde