Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Signing off... Good-bye

Question 10 Final

Mr. Wojo,

I feel that what you have taught us we would have not learned in any other class. Some people may not like you teaching style or the amount of work, but that is just part of life. That is what life is hard work. If you buckle down and get it done it is a great class. I apperciate having you as a teacher and the only thing left to say is thank you and it will be sad to see you leave. And Finally; Brenden and I will see you at Pensic Wars.
Long live AEthelmearc!

Konnor Drewen

Question 9 Final

I think that Shakespeare is a good example of a “Renaissance Man." A "Renaissance Man" is a person who is good at everything they try. Shakespeare was a genius in my opinion. He allowed for a wide range of styles of writing and his poems and plays are still done today. In one of his sonnets he says "Wish me partaker in thy happiness. When thou dost meet good hap; and in thy danger. If ever danger do environ thee." This is a truth that Shakespeare was a genius of poetry and the heroics. He does not want to put he person his is talking to in danger. Shakespeare was not the only one the others metioned were also very important and had alike characteristics. Non though can compare to the genius that was William Shakespeare.

Question 8 Final

The first three picture are of Gothic architecture. The Gothic architecture was mainly about letting the light in. The power of God is the light. The Romanesque was more about Judgement day. They needed a place to hid when the world came to an end. That is why it is more fortress like.

Question 7 Final

The Black Death was a plague that was spread through the bites of fleas on rats. It wiped out 1/3 of the population in Europe. As a medical medieval physician the Black Death is transfered by rats bites. You have to look out for boils and sores on your body and physical symptoms. The best course of action I think is to amputate any and all effected limbs.
If something like the Black Death occured now I think that two things would happen. First everybody would panic. After the panicing was done then the people of the world would unite to try to find a cure before to much damage was done. I think that the damage scale would not be as bad as it was back then with the Black Death. Althought, there would still be a large amount of damage from the period of panic.

Question 6 Final

"Do not do dope, help the Pope."
"Heart of a lion, strength of a bear."
"Saladin is not a paladin"

Dear editor,
I am not the bad guy in this problem with Richard. He is the one who attacked my land and took my people hostage. He killed 3000 of my people and did not appalogize. Now I did not give back his cross but I still do not think that, that gives him means. He is just a cruel person.
Jerusalem is my holy land too. Mohammed came to Jerusalem and that is what makes it our holy land. I think that we could just share it. I do not think it is fair to assume that I am the enemy here. I am the good guy just protecting my land.

Question 5 Final

Konnor Drewen
“Is it fair to say the United States is the modern day equivalent of the Roman Empire?”
            I think that the United States is like a modern day Roman Empire. The U.S. is known for being one of the most powerful nations in the world. That was what Rome was like when it was in power. The U.S. causes many good things to happen in the world with care-packages, and the U.S.’s help defending countries. Of course like Rome, the U.S. causes some bad things to happen also. Take the war in Iraq; the U.S. caused the death of many innocent lives. The United States is like the Roman Empire because, like Rome the U.S. tries and succeeds in saving the good people but it also fails once in a while.
             On the front page of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette there was an article about the war in the Middle East. “Gadhafi defiant after NATO pounding” (Arkansas Democrat Gazette). This is really about how the U.S. can cause destruction if need-be. The article was about the Gadhafi and how he is now defending against stepping down since NATO missiles hit his compound. The U.S. caused this man who is a horrid dictator to fight against his own people and NATO. The U.S. does not have to do bad thing that is not what I am saying, it can also do good.
            In The Gazette from Colorado Springs there is a story of a fresh start for a city. “Bach Heralds fresh start for our city." The cities of the U.S. have the power to change things when they can. Only if they can also, but the U.S. is like the Roman Empire because it has this power. To help or to defeat.
The U.S. has a large amount of power over the world and people love it and hate it. The U.S. has helped people in their time of need. They have also made some enemys in their time as a country. There is one thing for sure though, Rome did the same thing. Rome had allies but they also had enemys.

Question 4 Final

Thucydides wrote more specific events and had less information. The difference with Herodotus was that he was less specific but had more information. I think that the articule about Gitmo( was more like Thucydides. The articule was very specific about one thing and had a large amount of information. It seemed like he would right this articule because of the detail.

I think the articule about antiterrorism registry was more like Herodotus ( The article was less exact on the processes that they are using. Although it has much more information in general. The Herodotus writing style works well with this article because it needs information.

Question 3 Final

The Greek and Egyptian after lives were similar and different. In Greek believed that when you died you would be taken to the Underworld where Hades ruled. If you had the proper burial rituals than you would have two coins put over your eyes after you passed and these coins would travel with you the the river Styx where you would pay the boatman to take you across to salvation. If you did not have the coins you were doomed to walk the shores forever.

The Egyptians were a little different. When you died your Ka or soul was released and you went to the afterlife. You would meet Horus and he would weigh your heart with the feather of Maat. If you heart was lighter you would go to the afterlife. If it was not than you were doomed to walk the earth as a soul forever. They are similar because if you were a bad person you were doomed to not go the the afterlife.

Question 2 Final

The agricultural revolution made it possible for cities to develop. At that time more people were starting to settle down and have farms to grow food. They no longer had to follow animals around the land. Those small towns that were made started tradeing with other towns and that started a economy. They had other responsiblitys so they had to make jobs. It all helped to develop into civilization.

Google Map:
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=210663045657411626680.0004a5348ad1a9e2b77a4&amp;t=h&amp;ll=39.303432,37.924804&amp;spn=13.661475,19.599609&amp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small>View <a href=";hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=210663045657411626680.0004a5348ad1a9e2b77a4&amp;t=h&amp;ll=39.303432,37.924804&amp;spn=13.661475,19.599609&amp;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">Final Map</a> in a larger map</small>

News paper articule:
Today in this the 21st of september 2030, the temperature is 104. These days the crops have dryed up and are non-existant. The only source of food is through hunting and the animals are running low. There are less jobs then ever because of the collapse of the agricultural industry. Around the world there is pain and hunger.

Farm workers have no more options, they have no money. There are no more rich or poor, just pain. Some have been reduced to eating bugs and other lesser beings. If only we had not destroyed the O-Zone. If only we had seen this coming.

Question 1 Final

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Battle Map: Cannae

Hannibal made his infantry in the shape of a bow while sending up his left Spanish cavalry to attack the enemy cavalry as the Allied infantry attacks Hannibals right Numidian cavalry. 
The left Roman cavalry is defeated and the Spanish cavalry turn right. Hannibal's infantry falls back to make the Roman infantry follow as the African wings move up the sides of the bow.
As the Numidian cavalry defeats the Allied cavalry the Spanish cavalry turn to block the Roman's from retreating; completely encircling the Romans.

Battle Map: Zama

Hannibal had three lines of infantry with cavalry on his wings and a line of war elephants in front. Scipio had  two lines of cavalry on his right and a line of cavalry on his left with two groups of infantry.

Scipio's cavalry on the right and left defeated Hannibal's cavalry and flanked behind Hannibal. Scipio's infantry seperated into lines to allow the elephantry to pass through so that the infantry could kll them with out being harmed.

Hannibal's first line of infantry moves forward to attack Scipio's infantry while the center line of infantry fell back. The first line of Hannibal's infantry was defeated.

The last line of Hannibal's infantry attacked the last line of Scipio's infantry as the group of Scipio's infantry broke into to lines on either side of Scipio's last line.

Hannibal was defeated as Scipio's cavalry flanked Hannibal's last line while Hannibal was already being attacked by the lines of Scipio's infantry.