Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Stay in Burma - Journal

Journal 10/11/09
I have arrived in Burma and started my time here. I came here to learn more about the country and see what it looks like. You may know the country by the name Myanmar but it will always be Burma to me. The natives still call this country Burma but in America they call it Myanmar. I must get going to my motel its getting dark and I don’t want to be outside at night.
Journal 11/18/09
It has been a month since I arrived in Burma. The people are friendly and today I went out to the town with some of the locals. They have since showed me where to get the best food for I have run out of rations from America. They is a huge change from here to America. For one Burma has 99.34% less electricity then in America. My motel is almost shack with some reeds on the top. Many of the people have to live in the caves in the cliff face. They make 97.63% less money so they cant afford many things.They have it pretty bad here.
Journal 1/26/010
A new year has come in Burma. Since the last I wrote I have become more acquainted with the land. Burma is mostly thick jungle with many predators. One of my Burmese friends was attacked by a Burmese Python. The days in the jungle are hot but the nights are freezing. There is no way to keep warm other than some blankets. Burma has 98.78% less oil than America so there is no oil to use in heaters or cars or anything it is required. There are a lot of people here in this village because the birth rate in Burma is 40.93% higher than in America. But they are friendly so it is O.K.
Journal 9/24/010
Well my year here is drawing to a close. I have made friends and lost some along the way for you see HIV is a much more common occurrence in Burma about 16.67% higher and infancy death is 7.3 times greater. Coupled with the fact that people in this country die almost 14 years sooner than in the states. But I am coming home tomorrow and this will be my last entry. The last thing I will say is that although I liked my stay here because of the huge difference from here to America I don’t think I could live here.

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