Monday, February 21, 2011

Daily Blog 1 Week 5

Konnor Drewen
What compels someone to lead others?
            Well, I think that it has a number of factors. To lead others you have to, first, be a good leader. A lot of people have to think you are worthy of leading them. You could also be someone who thinks that you deserve to be a leader. So you could argue that to be a good leader you could either be a person who everyone loves, or you could be the kind other leader that does what is best for your people but they hate you for it. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” I think that stands true no matter the when or the where. You cannot really know what a person will do with power until he has the power. You may not be able to know what you will do with power until you have the power given to you. Another thing that compels someone to lead others is if you have a want for something better. Say you are under a ruler who is leading your civilization into complete destruction. Under that pressure you are compelled to defy that leader and rise up against him/her. The final thing that compels a person to be a leader is probably the most simple. The final thing is just the pure lust for power. No matter who you are, I think that at one point everyone on earth has wanted power. No matter what they want it for good, evil or just to have it. Either way power compels others to lead each other.

1 comment:

  1. You have very clear responses. You should use examples of Alexander the Great being a leader in this daily.
