Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Daily Blog 2 Week 2

Konnor Drewen
You accidentally discover an invention that can immediately help millions of people; but only if you act immediately. On the other hand, if you just wait three months, you can secure a patent and get rich. Which do you choose and why?
            I would choose to wait three months and get rich. This is because if I wait three months and get rich I could use the money I gain in some other way that could help millions of people. If I wait then I would most likely be able to help people in many ways other than just the one way that the invention did. The money I make from the patent could be put into medical research, military research, and furthering technology that could help humanity. For example in the news today Egypt is fraught with riots and people uprising against their president Hosni Mubarak. Now the United States was not on either side of this but he had ruled for 30 years before the people rose against him. He tried to do whatever he could to stay in power even firing his staff but he still was forced to step down. Now my point is that if I had the money I could fund, on my own separately from the U.S., relief groups that would make his step down from power less damaging to the public.

1 comment:

  1. I agree and disagree with your argument. i Like your support to your side but what about the many people who will die without it. i Believe money corrupts so it would take a lot of willpower to use it for good and not selfish reasons. I want to learn more about the issue with Hosni Mubarak http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/Mubarak.html
